Development perspectives on South Asia
DPRN Regional Expert Meeting
January 9, 2006
University of Amsterdam
Oudemanshuispoort (entrance through the gate at Oudezijds Achterburgwal 227)
On Monday 9 January 2006, the University of Amsterdam is organising the first of a series of three annual expert meetings on ‘Perspectives on Development in South Asia' in the framework of the Development Policy Review Network. The meeting is going to be held in the Oudemanshuispoort in the centre of Amsterdam.
The DPRN is a platform of development experts and policymakers who aim to reduce the gap between science, policy and development practice. A subsidy from the DGIS Cultural Cooperation, Education and Research Department (DCO) allows the DPRN to organise yearly expert meetings on a regional basis for 13 regions in 2005, 2006 and 2007. One of these regions is South Asia, comprising Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
The aim of the meeting is to bring together scientists, policymakers and development practitioners from the Netherlands and Belgium working on or with an interest in South Asia, with a view to exchanging knowledge and experience, and to achieving greater synergy between each other's activities in the region.
The meeting will offer participants an opportunity to find out ‘who's who' and ‘who is doing what' in South Asia and provides a forum to discuss present developments in the region that need attention from both a scientific and development-oriented perspective.
The plenary opening session aims to highlight trends in development in South Asia. Three panel members will provide input for the discussion:
- Ravi Srivastava, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
- Kristoffel Lieten, University of Amsterdam
- Wilfred Mohr, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
In thematic sessions, representatives of the three sectors will have more in-depth discussions on topical issues, seek common ground and explore opportunities for aligning the agendas for research, policy and development. These thematic sessions centre on the following topics:
- Disaster and conflict prevention
- Natural resources management
- Human development and public policy
- Perceptions of Islam
The DPRN regional expert meeting is going to be held in English, is free of charge (including lunch) and is open to all registered participants working on or with an interest in South Asia. Please register by filling out the registration form at
Further information about this event can be obtained by e-mail from Peggy van Schijndel, e-mail Information about other DPRN events can be found at
9.30 hrs - 10.00 hrs
Arrival of the participants
10.00 hrs - 10.15 hrs (plenary session)
Opening and welcome
Welcome address by Prof. Dr Mario Rutten, University of Amsterdam
‘Purpose of the regional expert meeting South Asia'
10.15 hrs - 10.30 hrs
The Development Policy Review Network (DPRN)
Dr Mirjam A.F. Ros-Tonen, Coordinator DPRN Regional Expert Meetings, will briefly introduce the background, objectives and activities of the DPRN
10.30 hrs - 12.15 hrs (panel discussion)
Perspectives on developments in South Asia
In a plenary session participants will discuss the relevant trends in development in the South Asian region. Three speakers are going to provide input for the discussion:
- Ravi Srivastava, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
‘Economic Policy and the Impact of Globalisation'
- Kristoffel Lieten, University of Amsterdam
‘Politics, Policy and Governance'
- Mr Wilfred Mohr, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Plenary discussion with the panel
Chair: Ton Dietz (CERES)
12.15 hrs - 13.45 hrs
Participants can meet and discuss informally at the information market over a cup of tea, coffee or milk and a sandwich.
13.45 hrs - 14.45 hrs (working groups)
Thematic parallel sessions
A. Disaster and conflict prevention
With an introduction by Prof. Dr Ir Georg Freks (Wageningen Agricultural University)
B. Human development and public policy
With introductions by Prof. Dr Isa Baud (University of Amsterdam) and Mariet Mulders (Cordaid)
14.45 hrs - 15.00 hrs
Coffee and tea break
15.00 hrs - 16.00 hrs (working groups)
Thematic sessions
C. Natural Resources Management
With an introduction by Dr Marlène Buchy (ISS)
D. Perceptions of Islam (ethnicity, women)
With an introduction by Lotte Hoek (University of Amsterdam)
16.00 hrs - 17.00 hrs (plenary session)
Reports form thematic sessions
Brief reports from the thematic sessions. Plenary discussion of working group results.
Chair: Willem van Schendel (University of Amsterdam)
Evaluation and looking forward
How did participants value this first regional expert meeting on South Asia? Two other meetings are still to be organised. What are the participants' expectations regarding these two days? What topics and issues should be on the agenda?
Chair: Willem van Schendel (University of Amsterdam)
By Prof. Dr Mario Rutten, University of Amsterdam
17.00 hrs - 18.00 hrs (plenary)