Event — Debate

Corruption. How corruption pervades social and political systems and how to cope with it

19/12/2007 - 09:00



19 December 2007
09.00 - 13.30 hrs

DPRN regional expert meeting Southeast Asia & Oceania

On Wednesday 19 December 2007, the VU University Amsterdam (Faculty of Social Sciences and the faculty's regional Southeast Asia network SEAVU) and the International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS) Leiden are organising the third regional expert meeting on Southeast Asia and Oceania within the framework of the Development Policy Review Network (DPRN). The meeting will be held at the Faculty of Social Sciences, VU University Amsterdam.

Venue:   Faculty of Social Sciences, VU University, Metropolitan Building, Room Z-009, Buitenveldertselaan 3, Amsterdam

Opening lecture:

Dr. Junino Jahja, Deputy for Internal Affairs and Public Complaints, Corruption Eradication Commission (CEC) in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Other speakers:

  • Mr. Marcel van den Bogaard, Directorate Human Rights, Peace Building/Corruption, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands
  • Drs. Teyo van der Schoot, programme manager Human Rights and democratisation at Hivos
  • Drs. LLM. Lisa Anne Elges, senior programme coordinator Asian Pacific Regional Programmes, Transparancy International, Berlin, Germany
  • Dr. Gerry van Klinken, research fellow at the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, Leiden, The Netherlands
  • Dr. Gerben Nooteboom, Indonesia specialist and lecturer in developmental anthropology at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Dr. Pavel Mlicki, freelance expert and consultant on integrity/anti-corruption
  • Drs. Nora Dessing, Directorate Asia and Oceania, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Discussion Leader: Dr. Adriaan Bedner, senior lecturer at the Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University, The Netherlands

Policy makers, consultants, development experts, corruption experts, and academics are going to highlight and discuss the following statements:

  • A policy of zero tolerance is needed if we want to reduce corruption or the costs of corruption, but this might be impossible to achieve.
  • Poverty leads to corruption // corruption leads to poverty.
  • Corruption is needs-based and economic development therefore comes first.

Further information about this event can be obtained from Sander Merkus, e-mail: s.merkus@fsw.vu.nl.

The Development Policy Review Network is a platform of development experts and policymakers who aim to reduce the gap between science, policy and development practice. To that end, the DPRN organises thematic and regional expert meetings and is developing a virtual community portal to provide searchable access to development expertise in the Netherlands and Belgium. More information can be found at http://www.dprn.nl/ and http://www.global-connections.nl/