Event — Conference

Conference on Sun Yat-sen, Nanyang and the 1911 Chinese Revolution

25/10/2010 - 09:00


Sun Yat Sen

25 - 26 October 2010

Conference organised by Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Chinese Heritage Centre and National University of Singapore

In view of the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution in China, the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Chinese Heritage Centre and National University of Singapore plan to co-organise a two-day bilingual (Chinese and English) conference on Sun Yat-sen and the Nanyang.

The 1911 Revolution, known in Chinese as Xinhai Geming or Xinhai Revolution, was a watershed event in the history of modern China. It began with the Wuchang Uprising on October 10, 1911 and concluded with the collapse of dynastic rule in China that stretched back more than 2,000 years. It in fact led to the establishment of the Republic of China, Asia’s first republic.

The 1911 Revolution was led by Sun Yat-sen and the Zhongguo Tongmenghui, which was first established in Tokyo in 1905 and followed by the formation of a branch in Singapore and then other branches in Southeast Asia. Sun Yat-sen tirelessly traveled around the Southeast Asian region drumming up support for the nationalist movement in China. Indeed the Zhongguo Tongmenghui movement received massive support from the “overseas Chinese” communities, especially the Nanyang communities. The latter contributed morally and financially to the 1911 Revolution and in that way played an instrumental role in the establishment of modern China.

Extensive research has been conducted and voluminous literature produced in the last few decades on many aspects of Sun Yat-sen and the 1911 Revolution. However, they have tended to focus on developments and events in China. This conference hopes to contribute to the scholarship on Sun Yat-sen by focusing on Sun Yat-sen, Nanyang and the 1911 Revolution in China.

Scholars and researchers are invited to submit paper proposals on one of the following themes:  

  • Sun Yat-sen in the Straits Settlements
  • Colonial Archives on Sun Yat-sen and the Chinese Overseas
  • Reformist and Revolutionist Chinese movements in Southeast Asia
  • Xinhai Revolution and Southeast Asian Nationalism
  • Colonial Governments and the Overseas Chinese Nationalism
  • Sun Yat-sen and Prominent Nanyang Chinese
  • Nanyang and Financing Chinese Revolutions
  • Sun Yat-sen and the Emergence of Modern Nanyang Education
  • Sun Yat-sen and the Emergence of Chinese Modernity
  • Revisiting the Study of Sun Yat-sen in the Nanyang


Proposals on other themes related to the conference are also invited.

Paper proposals can be in either English or Chinese. Proposals should include a working title, a 300 word abstract, and a short biography of the applicant. Proposals which are selected should submit a full paper by 15 September 2010.

Selected papers from conference will be published in 2 books, one English and one Chinese, and the books will be officially launched on 10 October 2011 in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution.

The organizers are pleased to be able to provide all participants with local accommodation for three days. Financial support for an economy-class return airfare, especially from Asian countries, will be kindly considered.


Proposals should be submitted to:

Dr Lee Lai To

Contact details:

Dr Lee Lai To