Caring for the environment: the role of religion and identity in Southeast Asia
22/06/2007 - 09:00
Joint workshop organised by Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (CAPAS), Academia Sinica, Taipei; International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden.
Prof. Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao (CAPAS)
Dr Gerard Persoon (CML, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden University)
Date and venue
22 June 2007, Leiden, the Netherlands Venue: Institute of Environmental Sciences, Einsteinweg 2, Leiden. Room B002
Concern for the environment and potential solutions to environmental problems are expressed in a variety of ways, with local communities increasingly invoking cultural and religious traditions to express environmental concerns and means to overcome them. Nor can leaders of world religions continue to ignore environmental problems or avoid responsibility for the ‘greening of their religion'.
This workshop will discuss the state of the environment, including the caring for it, in relation to expressions and manifestations of cultural and religious identity in the Southeast Asian region.
For further information
Martina van den Haak, IIAS,