Between Data and Prescriptive Grammar: The Case of Malay
28 November 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
By Prof. Mashudi Bin Kader, European Chair for Malay Studies
Until the publication of Nik Safiah et al. (1993, a revised version of a 1986 version by the same group of writers) the main reference grammar for Malay language users and learners include such works by Za'ba (196, 1964), Asmah Hj. Omar (1986), Abdullah Hassan (1974, 1986), Asmah Hj. Omar and Subbiah (1968).With the publication of Nik Safiah et al. (1993), the focal point has shifted. Nik Safiah et al. (1993) has become the sole prescriptive grammar of Malay. On the assumption that a grammar of a language should be compatible with the empirical linguistic data (i.e., language used (spoken and written) by its speakers), this lecture examines and shows that in many points of Malay morphology and syntax, the Malay prescriptive grammar as laid out in Nik Safiah et al. (1993) is incompatible with the current empirical and classical data of Malay. Such incompatibility calls for a revew of the prescriptive grammar of Malay in some places.
Venue: PJ Veth building
Nonnensteeg 1-3
2311 VJ Leiden
Room 329
Time: 16.00-17.00
Marise van Amersfoort, Fellowship Coordinator
International Institute for Asian Studies
P.O. Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
T +31-71-527 4159
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